2017年10月29日 星期日


Today I want to tell everyone about my test score, today I have a test at my home, and I get a good score.


My score is 100 ++, I am very happy, because this score is higher than 100, it is 100++! I am very surprised

(我的成績是 100++,我非常開心,因為我的成績竟然高於 100,是 100++!我非常驚訝😯!)

There are some questions that you need to draw, those questions are difficult, if you don't know how to draw, your 25 points will be gone.

(有一些題目是要用畫的,那些題目都非常的難,如果你全部都畫錯或不會畫,就會扣 25 分。)

I think this test is very fun, because you can draw on the test paper, but it is hard.
